Wednesday, 9 January 2013

How Shall I Shape My 2013

To all that actually take the time to read this blog, and especially to those that even take the time to comment on the rubbish I come out with, I hope that you had an amazing new year and that 2013 is really good to you.

Its taken me a little while to make my first post of the year, partially because by the time I get home from work I just dont really have the time or energy to sit down and think about something coherent to type as the shifts are long and mentally draining. And also because I really wanted to take stock of my circumstances and think about what direction I want to take my journey in 2013.

I came up with a number of new years resolutions aimed at my TG side, some that are designed to help better my female image and lifestyle, and some that are things I want to achieve this year. These include:

  • Start and maintain an exercise regime to keep fit without adding bulk. I have been thinking jogging to tone and something like yoga to improve balance and flexibility.
  • Look at my diet and try to eat a little healthier.
  • Work on feminine mannerisms and movement.
  • Start and maintain a proper face routine. Regularly shave (I only usually shave when I need to), exfoliate and moisturise.
  • Get body waxed.
  • Get eyebrows tidied professionally and maintain.
  • Get a new wig.
  • Expand my social circle and meet people face to face more regularly.
  • Go to a spa day.
  • Get a manicure and possibly a pedicure.
  • Go on a long weekend away to spend totally as Aimee.
  • Go clubbing as Aimee, and by clubbing I mean to a 'straight' dance night, not a T or Gay venue.

As far as the things on there that require a routine, part of my problem is that I find it extremely difficult to keep up anything like this. I have tried to keep a good facial routine before but it lasted a few weeks before I started losing motivation to do it. Work really does not help, as the shifts are really long the urge to just have that extra 10 mins in bed in the morning is too tempting when I am so tired.

As far as the rest of the list goes im quickly finding the desire to dress lessening, or at least being overshadowed by the amount of work I realise it will have to take to become presentable, which in turn does make me feel a little low. Im off work today and I planned to have an Aimee day, but to be honest I just really dont have the drive or patience to push through this at the moment. In fact I dont really have any motivation to do anything, I was going to buy some music from a few websites and maybe take advantage of a few sales online but I just dont have the patience.

I have a week off next week, ive just got to get tomorrow and Friday out the way and then I will be off for 7 days or so. I think I will probably try staggering my transformation over a few days over this time period. If I can get the preperations out the way so on the day I actually dress up all ive got to do is quickly shave my face and then makeup, it might make things a lot more feasible mentally.


  1. A New Year’s resolution list is usually hard to follow. I have one, too, and it took a lot of time before I started it because I’m not used to doing those things. But I just found a way to make it more interesting, like sorting it from the easiest task to the most difficult. For you, maybe you can start by having a spa day or a manicure and pedicure treat. Anyway, I’m glad that you had a good start of the year and I hope you’ll accomplish everything in your list. :)

    Gregg Mulherin

    1. Hi Gregg. Yes I agree, and every year I make one and dont often complete the first thing on there. This year though there are things on there that will really help me push this side of me forward and as soon as I can find time to fit them around my work routine theres no reason not to do them.

      Doing the easy ones first is a very good idea, it could at least get me into the idea of ticking things off the list before coming up to the more challenging ones. Im also going to look at setting deadlines for some of them too, otherwise some will just end up remaining a pipe dream.

      Thank you very much! :) I hope you manage to complete your list too! ;)

      Aimee x
